Divining the truth: anti-Vaxxers, water witches and the limits of reason

2021-12-13 17:16:31 By : Ms. Kelly Lu

© 2021 MJH Life Sciences and Psychiatry Times. all rights reserved.

© 2021 MJH Life Sciences™ and Psychiatry Times. all rights reserved.

Deep-rooted denial of science and distrust of scientific experts...how far is the limit of rationality?

"Come on, let us reason together." —Isaiah 1:18

"Reason is, and should be, the slave of passion."-David Hume 1

After being fully vaccinated against COVID-19, I ventured out and had a long-delayed hairstyle, but did not wear a mask. The good but grumpy woman who often cuts my hair received a single Johnson & Johnson vaccine, but when I told her I had two doses of Pfizer vaccine, she looked scared. "Not good!" She said: "This vaccine will rewrite your DNA and damage your immune system for life!" Her scissors were 3 inches away from my face. I decided it was not the time to challenge her or explain. No, mRNA vaccines will not rewrite a person's genetic code or destroy the immune system.

Then, a few days ago, I read that California is increasingly using so-called water witches, where extreme drought conditions are being experienced. According to the New York Times, these “water prospectors” claimed that they could “...use 2 L-shaped poles, which together resemble old-fashioned TV antennas, and can locate water currents in cracks in the earth’s bedrock.” 2 These people Although hydrogeologists describe water exploration as "no scientific value at all"2, their services are now being booked in large numbers and well paid.

Of course, what these personal vignettes have in common is the deep-rooted denial of science and their distrust of scientific experts—the word is now pronounced with a dismissive hiss. In fact, epidemiology and infectious disease experts, such as Anthony Fauci, MD, are not only questioned by a large part of the public-they are also threatened by physical harm due to the promotion of COVID-19.3 vaccination.

It is easy to interpret this scientific denial as the result of misinformation and biased reasoning, and severely misleading statements on social media have exacerbated this denial. 4 To be sure, these factors have indeed led to scientific denial and derogation of scientific authority. As doctors, we are obligated to provide our patients with accurate information, which may offset this unreasonable and unfounded belief. 5

But as psychiatrists, we know that reason has its limitations and lacks a deep understanding of the sensations that shape human beliefs and behavior—in fact, passion. The great Scottish philosopher David Hume (1711-1776) knew this well, and pointed out in his "On Human Nature" that "...reason is and should only be a slave to passion." 1 According to philosophy Home of AT Nuyen, Hume did not deny the importance of reason in shaping human beliefs and behavior, but just put it in the right angle-in fact, he believes that "...reason alone cannot push a person to take action." The power that motivates people to take action is passion, whether it is love, anger, pride, jealousy, fear or desire."1

Hume's great insight has been fully confirmed by modern psychological research, especially the research of Dr. Robert Sapolsky, professor of neurology and neurosurgery at Stanford University. 6 Sapolsky’s research on cognitive functions led him to believe that “you cannot reason about someone because of something they didn’t think about in the first place,” and “of course we are set to only generate our thoughts in our minds. The resonance of what you hear.” He added, “...those who are least curious, least willing to explore new things, [and] most instinctively hostile to it, are anxious people.” 6

Who can sympathize and explore anxiety more than a psychiatrist? In fact, Sapolsky urges us to follow the example of teenagers, who often lack "...deep empathy." If I were treated with someone like the woman who cut my hair, I would fall into anxiety, which may be the basis of her unfounded belief in the COVID vaccine. If I, along with the rancher or vineyard owner, fought against the "Water Witch", it is understandable that I might focus on the despair and despair that drives this behavior. Yes, I will gently guide these people to find the source of accurate information-but only after contacting them on an emotional level. As another philosopher-Blaise Pascal (1623-1662)-wisely pointed out: "The human heart has its own reason, and reason knows nothing about it... We do not only pass reason, but also Know the truth in your heart."7

Dr. Pies is Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry and Lecturer of Bioethics and Humanities at the State University of New York, Upstate Medical University; Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Tufts University School of Medicine; Honorary Editor-in-Chief of Psychiatric TimesTM (2007-2010). He was recently the author of "Leftov Trilogy" and "A Tragic Day".

1. Nuyen AT. David Hume on reason, passion and morality. Hume Research. 1984;10(1):26-45.

2. Albeck-Ripka L. Two rods and the "sixth sense": In the drought, the water monster is submerged. New York Times. July 17, 2021. Visited on July 21, 2021. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/17/us/california-drought-water-witches.html

3. Merlot MM, Green JA, Shafstein JM. Attacks on public health officials during COVID-19. Magazine. 2020;324(8):741-742.

4. Ortutay B, Seitz A. Ignoring the rules, anti-vaccine accounts are booming on social media. Associated Press News. March 11, 2021. Visited on July 21, 2021. https://apnews.com/article/anti-vaccine-accounts-thrive-social-media-e796aaf1ce32d02e215d3b2021a33599

5. Pie RW, Pierre JM. Believing in conspiracy theories is not delusional. Medical landscape. February 4, 2021. Visited on July 21, 2021. https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/945290#vp_1

6. Robert Sapolsky on how to become "less twitches" and embrace empathy. Fred led. Visited on July 21, 2021. https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5de939086957252759882614/t/5e332ad18d20f734ba38a27c/1580411601821/Robert-Sapolsky-story-for

7. Pascal B. Visited on July 21, 2021. https://wiselifelesson.com/quotes/the-heart-has-its-reasons-which-reason-knows-nothing-of-we-know-the-truth-not -only-by-the-reason-but- by-the- heart-blaise-pascal/

Brumfiel G. Anti-vaccine activists use the federal database to spread fears about the COVID vaccine. June 14, 2021. Visited on July 21, 2021. https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2021/06/14/1004757554/anti-vaccine-activists-use-a-federal-database-to-spread-fear-about-covid-vaccine ❒